Take a look at all the Chapter 5 Season 3 Battlepass skins!

10. Royal Bomber
Royal bomber is an Epic outfit that came with the PlayStation 4 Fortnite Bundle. The bundle also includes 500 Vbucks. He was introduced in Season 4.
9. The Reaper
The Reaper is a Legendary outfit that's could be unlocked by reaching tier 100 in the Chapter 1 Season 3 Battle Pass. He is part of the Hired Gun set. In 2019, Epic Games introduced John Wick. So now there are two identical skins in Fortnite.
8. Double Helix
Double Helix is and Epic outfit that could be obtained by purchasing the Nintendo Switch Double Helix Bundle.
7.Dark Voyager
Dark Voyager is a Legendary outfit that could be unlocked by reaching tier 70 in the Chapter 1 Season 3 Battle Pass. He is part of the Space Explorers Set.
6. Ghoul Trooper
Ghoul Trooper is an Epic outfit that can be purchased in the item shop for 1,500 Vbucks. She was released in Season 1.
5. Honor Guard
Honor Guard is an Epic outfit. The outfit was released in February 25, 2019.
4. Special Forces
Special Forces is a rare outfit that can be purchased in the item shop for 1,200 Vbucks.
3. Black Knight
Black knight is a Legendary outfit that can be obtained in tier 70 of the Season 2 Battle Pass.
2. Aerial Assault Trooper
Aerial Assault trooper is a rare skin that could be purchased from the item shop after achieving Level 15 in Season 1.
1. Renegade Raider
Renegade Raider is a rare outfit that could be purchased in the item shop after achieving Level 20 in Season 1.
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